Monday, January 18, 2010


Friday I talked about expectations from myself in my spiritual life and expectations that Jesus has for me. After reading an e-mail form my Dad, and doing some thinking and pondering I have come to the conclusion, that if I want the relationship that I want, that it is going to start with me. The conversations need to start with me. Which leads me to "coachable". I have been shown, I have been taught, I have been given opportunities to have a friendship with Jesus. I have not taken any of them. Yes I am a Christian, and yes I have faith in his word, but to say I am close to Jesus would be false. It comes down to taking what I have been taught and shown and put it into action. No more letting the opportunity to start a friendship with Jesus slip by. Easy to say or write on a blog.... It comes down to work. Should a relationship with Jesus be work? I think in a way every relationship requires work. I think if anything it requires maturity. Which who knows, I might be getting to a point in my life where I have found some of that! That is being coachable. Having the maturity to take advice or an opportunity that will take some changing of me as a person and working on it. This will take time. How much? Who knows, but it is up to me to do this. To start the conversation, and to continue the dialogue with him.

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