Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lost Chance...

When a Freshman, or a new student-athlete wants to join the football program, my first inclination is to make him aware of everything we do, our mission statement, when we meet, and everything that we make available to them. Then, every time I see them I make sure to take the time to say hi them or talk to them. Now, that is not any different probably than any other coach in a program. In fact, there are several coaches out there that I admire how well they relate to their players and how that strengthens their overall program. Believe me, I am a copycat. If I see something that I like I try to emulate it. The one thing that I am very weak in is the expectation part of it. I have my expectations, and I have expectations for the TEAM, during the season. I have expectations for practice time game time etc.... I don't have many expectations for the individual athlete out side of the season. Sure, I follow what they do, and try to keep contact with them, but if they miss a practice in another sport, or are not going to school during the winter months, acting up in school, etc.. If I hear about it, or see them and they tell me what is going on, I might talk to them about what is going on, and encourage them to get going in the right direction. But I don't think I have that high level of expectation for them still, as opposed to what I have for them in the season. During the season and summer, I also put the responsibility on the individual to have a high level of expectation of themselves. I leave the ball in their court on some expectations they should have for football. I tell them you have to want to be doing this to really succeed in it. And, if it is important to you, and you expect to be successful in it, then you have some sense of responsibility to make your teammates expectations go along with you. I can give many opportunities to my athletes to get better, but ultimately they have to want to get better. First, they have to be there. Second, they have to work when they are there. Third, they have to progress through the training. If one of those first two things are not happening, then the third one is hard to achieve.

I think about me in this situation with my walk with Jesus. He has expectations for me, but ultimately I have to have expectations for me. He gives the opportunities for me to have a relationship with him. How do I use them? If I were to look at the three things that I expect from the athletes in the football program and if the first two aren't there then the third one won't be what you want. Well, I would say I have faltered on the first two, and now that I sit here at age 37 I am still trying to get a closer relationship with Jesus. My progression isn't what I would have thought it would be at this time. Now, I have some questions about some things that have probably hampered the first two, but that will be a later entry....

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